Day 3
Day 4
Day 5
how it's going
Challenge 4, Day 4, 4:55 PM

hi. i guess i haven't anything about it, and microfilm said that i should talk about it on the blog and stuff so it's documented

tl;dr: it's going smooth enough. some hitches but thats just gonna happen

microfilm's been getting into the whole motherhood thing with this. like, really into it. like i mean very into it. they asked me if i could come with her to pick out a stroller together. i don't think we should do that

microfilm asked me to take this picture for her. she's funny like that

you know, actually, i don't know if we need to bring this thing back. i should probably ask about that because imagine if we have to. really with getting so attached to it it's almost like we're begging to have something bad happen to this thing

me personally, i'm... less into this. but, you know, i'll do it for the challenge and to make microfilm happy (hi i know you can read this)

though i'm still not really sure why the chef has to be in our living quarters until the week is over if i have to be honest. i know you can read this too so i'm going to also write in text that i'm still waiting for you to pay us for the cooking materials you're using

Post Title
Challenge 4, Day 4, 8:36 PM

Hello. I am The Chef here making my first blog post so Manilla Folder has evidence im actually doing what I was told to do. I dont want to be posting onto here but microfilm insists I should.

in the attached image you can see me holding the flour baby in my strong arms. Thankfully flour babies do not activate my stunted maternal instincts like that chipmunk did.

What is alt text. Why do i need to add it
Day 3
Day 4
Day 5